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Friday, August 28, 2020
Battle of Contreras - Mexican-American War - Battle of Padierna - Winfield Scott
Clash of Contreras - Mexican-American War - Battle of Padierna - Winfield Scott Skirmish of Contreras - Conflict Dates: The Battle of Contreras was battled August 19-20, 1847, during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). Armed forces Commanders US Significant General Winfield ScottMajor General William Worth8,500 men Mexico General Antonio Lopez de Santa AnnaGeneral Gabriel Valencia5,000 men Skirmish of Contreras - Background: In spite of the fact that Major General Zachary Taylor had triumphed in a progression of triumphs at Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, and Monterrey, President James K. Polk chose to move the focal point of the American war exertion from northern Mexico to a crusade against Mexico City. In spite of the fact that this was to a great extent because of Polks worries about Taylors political desire, it was likewise upheld by knowledge reports that a development against Mexico City from the north would be particularly troublesome. Subsequently, another military was shaped under Major General Winfield Scott and taught to catch the key port city of Veracruz. Coming aground on March 9, 1847, Scotts order moved against the city and caught it following a twenty-day attack. Building a significant base at Veracruz, Scott started making arrangements to progress inland before yellow fever season showed up. Moving inland, Scott steered the Mexicans, drove by General Antonio Lã ³pez de Santa Anna, at Cerro Gordo the next month. Going ahead, Scott caught Puebla where he stopped to rest and revamp through June and July. Continuing the crusade toward the beginning of August, Scott chose for approach Mexico City from the south as opposed to drive the adversary resistances at El Pe㠱ã ³n. Adjusting Lakes Chalco and Xochimilco his men showed up at San Augustin on August 18. Having foreseen an American development from the east, Santa Anna started redeploying his military toward the south and accepted a line along the Churubusco River (Map). Skirmish of Contreras - Scouting the Area: To protect this new position, Santa Anna set soldiers under General Francisco Perez at Coyoacan with powers drove by General Nicholas Bravo toward the east at Churubusco. On the west finish of the Mexican line was General Gabriel Valencias Army of the North at San Angel. Having built up his new position, Santa Anna was isolated from Scott by an immense magma field known as the Pedregal. On August 18 Scott requested Major General William J. Worth to take his division along the immediate street to Mexico City. Moving along the east edge of the Pedregal, this power went under overwhelming fire at San Antonio, only south of Churubusco. Unfit to flank the Mexicans because of the Pedregal toward the west and water toward the east, Worth chosen to end. As Scott considered his best course of action, Valencia, a political adversary of Santa Annas, chose for relinquish San Angel and moved five miles south to a slope close to the towns of Contreras and Padierna. Santa Clause Annas orders for him to come back to San Angel were can't and Valencia contended he was in a superior situation to safeguard or assault contingent upon the enemys strategy. Reluctant to mount an exorbitant frontal attack on San Antonio, Scott started considering climbing the west side of the Pedregal. To scout the course, he dispatched Robert E. Lee, as of late brevetted to major for his activities at Cerro Gordo, alongside an infantry regiment and a few dragoons west. Squeezing into the Pedregal, Lee arrived at Mount Zacatepec where his men scattered a gathering of Mexican guerrillas. Skirmish of Contreras - Americans on the Move: From the mountain, Lee was certain that the Pedregal could be crossed. Relating this to Scott, he persuaded his authority to change the armys line of advance. The following morning, troops from Major General David Twiggs and Major General Gideon Pillows divisions moved out and started building a way along the course followed by Lee. In doing as such, they were ignorant of Valencias nearness at Contreras. By early evening, they had arrived at a point past the mountain to where they could see Contreras, Padierna, and San Geronimo. Descending the forward incline of the mountain, Twiggs men experienced harsh criticism from Valencias gunnery. Countering this, Twiggs propelled his own weapons and brought shoot back. Taking in general order, Pillow guided Colonel Bennett Riley to take his unit toward the north and west. In the wake of intersection a little stream they were to take San Geronimo and remove the enemys line of retreat. Moving over harsh territory, Riley found no restriction and involved the town. Valencia, occupied with the big guns duel, neglected to see the American section. Worried that Riley was segregated, Pillow later coordinated Brigadier General George Cadwaladers unit and Colonel George Morgans fifteenth Infantry to go along with him. As the evening advanced, Riley explored the back of Valencias position. During this time, they additionally recognized a huge Mexican power moving south from San Angel. This was Santa Anna driving fortifications forward. Seeing the predicament of his confidants over the stream, Brigadier General Persifor Smith, whose detachment was supporting the weapons that were discharging on Valencia, started to fear for the security of the American powers. Reluctant to legitimately ambush Valencias position, Smith moved his men into the Pedregal and followed the course utilized before. Getting together with the fifteenth Infantry in no time before dusk, Smith started arr anging an assault on the Mexican back. This was at last canceled because of murkiness. Skirmish of Contreras - A Quick Victory: Toward the north, Santa Anna, confronted with a troublesome street and a setting sun, chose to pull back to San Angel. This expelled the danger to the Americans around San Geronimo. Merging the American powers, Smith went through the night planning a sunrise assault expected to strike the foe from three sides. Wanting consent from Scott, Smith acknowledged Lees offer to cross the Pedregal in the murkiness to take a message to their administrator. After gathering Lee, Scott was satisfied with the circumstance and guided him to discover troops to help Smiths exertion. Finding Brigadier General Franklin Pierces detachment (incidentally drove by Colonel T.B. Payment), it was requested to exhibit before Valencias lines at first light. During the night, Smith requested his men just as Rileys and Cadwaladers to shape for the fight to come. Morgan was coordinated to cover the street north to San Angel while Brigadier General James Shields as of late showed up unit was to hold San Geronimo. In the Mexican camp, Valencias men were cold and tired having persevered through a difficult night. They were additionally progressively worried about the whereabouts of Santa Anna. At sunrise, Smith requested the Americans to assault. Raging forward, they steered Valencias order in a battle that kept going just seventeen minutes. A significant number of the Mexicans endeavored to escape north yet were blocked by Shields men. As opposed to provide to their with some timely help, Santa Anna kept falling back towards Churubusco. Clash of Contreras - Aftermath: The facing at the Conflict of Contreras cost Scott around 300 slaughtered and injured while Mexican misfortunes numbered roughly 700 murdered, 1,224 injured, and 843 caught. Perceiving that the triumph had unhinged the Mexican guards in the region, Scott gave a whirlwind of requests following Valencias rout. Among these were orders which revoked before orders for Worths and Major General John Quitmans divisions to move west. Rather, these were requested north towards San Antonio. Sending troops west into the Pedregal, Worth immediately defeated the Mexican position and sent them reeling north. As the day advanced, American powers drove forward on the two sides of the Pedregal in quest for the adversary. They would find Santa Anna around early afternoon at the Battle of Churubusco. Chosen Source PBS: Battle of ContrerasBattle of Contreras: Official Report Battle of Contreras - Map
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ethnographic Reseacrh Free Essays
Ethnographic Research Ethnography is a sort of sociology inquire about that examines the practices and life of a network, by getting one of its individuals. It depends on finding out about a specific situation and the individuals living in it, by understanding their qualities, needs and jargon. It requires loyal announcing of what is experienced or watched, dodging any understanding or assessment beyond what many would consider possible. We will compose a custom paper test on Ethnographic Reseacrh or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now Inside the field of experience plan, ethnography or video ethnography are strategies used to catch human ehaviour with regards to the person’s regular habitat, as a methods for picking up bits of knowledge about people’s practices and unstated inspirations, drivers, needs, so as to make imaginative arrangements. Plan ethnography helps answer addresses like what is important to develop with progress; what are the key social entertainers and jobs to consider; and which are the restricting components? Taught perception and investment are the fundamental techniques that empower our group to comprehend client prerequisites and setting of utilization. Two instances of the ethnographic plan pproach are shadowing and self-perceptions. Shadowing is an ethnographic method to comprehend a person’s constant associations with items, administrations or process and their moving settings and needs through the span of a day. Shadowing regularly centers around specific occasions or assignments members are happy to share. Talk Aloud and conclusion interviews are utilized to explain questions. Self-perceptions/Diaries is a strategy utilized when it is troublesome or difficult to straightforwardly get to a specific spot (like people’s homes) or access is too tedious. It comprises of asking eople to give self-perceptions about their exercises as log reports or journals, for instance. In spite of the fact that this strategy includes the subjectivity of the members in the information gathered, it tends to be significant to get a brief look at life through the eyes of the individuals that are being contemplated. How ethnographic research functions Ethnographic research depends on methods, for example, perception, video journals, photos, relevant meetings, and investigation of antiques such as gadgets, apparatuses or paper frames that may be utilized as a component of a person’s Job. Perceptions can be made at home, busy working, or in relaxation conditions. Individuals can be concentrated with their family, all alone, with work associates, or as a major aspect of a gathering of companions. Frequently one member might be enlisted, yet a few more might be concentrated as a component of that person’s family or companions. Information assortment can extend from a 4-5 hour logical meeting, through to following a member for a few days, or even a longitudinal report more than a little while or months to explore, for instance, how a specific item or administration may be utilized after some time. It doesn’t fundamentally include full immersion’ in a person’s life: it can include a profundity meet in a person’s home or it may include an individual basically keeping up their own video journal over some undefined time frame. Where and how you may utilize it Ethnographic research can give incredibly rich understanding into ‘real life’ conduct, and can be utilized to distinguish new or right now neglected client needs. This methodology is generally important toward the start of an undertaking when there is a need to see genuine end specific crowd. When not to utilize Ethnographic research can give a lot of subjective information, and investigation can be tedious. NOTE: The term ‘ethnographic’ can be abused; it’s at present somewhat of a ‘buzzword’ with certain organizations who may not completely comprehend the methodology. It is suggested that an authority organization is utilized, who can show effective contextual analyses (gathering and dissecting the information). Members on a basic level, anybody could take part in this kind of research. Likewise with any client look into, the enlistment of appropriate members is vital. The full ramifications of the examination ought to be completely disclosed to potential members, as some may not feel good with this degree of interruption in their lives. Timescales Depending on the examination needs and the methodology, yet 6 two months from instructions to results can give rich understanding. It might require some investment to construct trust with members, and the investigation time frame should be adequate to be exhaustive. Ethnographic research can be costly and tedious, yet this relies upon the necessities of a specific venture. The advantages inferred can be very important. The most effective method to refer to Ethnographic Reseacrh, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Differences Of Individualism And Collectivism Commerce Essay Example For Students
The Differences Of Individualism And Collectivism Commerce Essay Distinction and Bolshevism describe inverse terminals of a wide continuum.According to Hofstede Individualism relates to social orders in which the ties between people are free: everybody is relied upon to take care of oneself and their prompt family . In this way singularity alludes to the casing of head where a man is administered by the interest to secure oneself. Cooperation as its inverse relates to social orders in which individuals from birth onwards are incorporated into solid, durable clubs, which all through individuals s life-time keep on securing them in return of unquestioning certainty . We will compose a custom paper on The Differences Of Individualism And Collectivism Commerce explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Cindy Harpster delineates that the significance of independency and single achievement is one of the most run of the mill attributes of the US development. This feeling of independence can be probably the biggest obstruction when convey oning worry in an outside state. So as to discover whether the US is an individualistic human progress, it is of import to acquaint oneself with the highlights equivalent with the individualistic development. In individualistic human advancements individuals are ordinarily viewed as sense of self focused and feel for their ain finishes. In add-on, similar to Westerners, they will in general use direct habits and clear methodological analysiss of imparting. Non-westerners want to talk by implication and obligingly spend their slant across through illations. Conversely, bunch achievement, bunch concordance and rescuing face are remarkably of import than single achievement in Asiatic human advancements. For delineation Australian s will in general carry on their private lives autonomously, esteeming single achievement, accomplishments, exposures and riches, above gathering closes. On the different manus states, for example, China and Japan are more we witting, and the gathering is the fundamental building square of cultural life and work. Moreover another way in which the individualistic characteristic can hinder with universal concern accomplishment is when chiefs have unreasonable standpoints of their representatives. In the US, small scale overseeing is a term used to portray the activity of applying extreme and unneeded command over the base thing on others s exercises . This domineering heading way is derisive and violative and can understand harshness and insufficiency of trust in laborers insight and capablenesss, especially in Fieldss where crew individuals have a high evaluation of expert and capable expertness. It is increasingly regular for executives in the US and Australia to ask their crew individuals to what extent it will take them to complete an endeavor, where as in different developments, for example, China or Thailand, chiefs are required to arrange plans and stairss of activity. Outline1 HOFSTEDES 5 CULTURAL DIMENSIONS2 Decision3 Culture and boundaries it makes in worldwide concern4 by Cindy Harpster HOFSTEDES 5 CULTURAL DIMENSIONS So as to work abroad, chiefs must see and research the varying social measurements in the event that they are to flourish abroad. A few surveies have been finished that correlation civic establishments. One of the most appreciated is the Geert Hofstedes Cultural measurement hypothetical record. His hypothetical record means to build up a model for seeing how fundamental qualities inspire hierarchical conduct. He proposes five worth measurements by which to put national and territorial social contrasts: those of intensity separation, uncertainness dismissing, uniqueness, maleness and long haul direction. The first of these worth measurements is power separation which centers around the evaluation to which a human progress accepts how institutional and hierarchical force ought to be disseminated ( each piece or unevenly ) and how the judgments of the force holders ought to be seen ( tested or acknowledged ) . In states, for example, Asia individuals acknowledge high force separation, formal places in the pecking order are regarded, where as in Australia where individuals show low force separation, officials will in general fit each other with basic respect. At the end of the day, in all social orders a few disparities of intensity are recognized in all organizations, by the by, the evaluation of these force disseminations is by all accounts commonly decided. The second worth measurement uncertainness dismissing centers around the level of resistance for uncertainness and equivocalness inside a general public and endeavors to maintain a strategic distance from them by set uping more developments. All authoritiess and lawful frameworks implement thorough Torahs and processs on their residents, by the by in states, for example, Japan, with a high level of uncertainness, dismissing guidelines will in general be increasingly explicit and exact. In states with a lower level of uncertainness dismissing, for example, Australia and the US, organization exercises are less formal, less organized and executives appear to take more dangers. The peril taking nature of the West is agonizing of the third Value measurement, influencing distinction and Bolshevism. The West is additionally tolerating of peril takers as they are an independent society where individual accomplishments think about straight the worker, non each piece much on the crew as Easter n societies. The impacts of that risk do non sway the notoriety of the gathering to a similar degree as collectivized progress. A man is answerable for their ain activities, rather than a gathering being liable for an individuals activities. .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c , .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c .postImageUrl , .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c , .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c:hover , .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c:visited , .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c:active { border:0!important; } .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c:active , .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c:hover { murkiness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ucc1402ddc80 e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ucc1402ddc80e3afec9995e11d9b77c3c:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: 1984 9 EssayThe third worth measurement uniqueness versus Bolshevism portrays how much a human advancement depends on and has promise to the conscience or the gathering . In Countries that esteem singularity, for example, Australia and America, individuals amazingly esteem single undertaking and achievement. As the article states From our schools to our gathering chambers, people rival each other to be the best. . in continuation, it is featured that the West has endeavored to underscore the significance of gathering coaction through current guidance and worry there is as yet extraordinary highlight on the single through open introduction reappraisals rating despite everything given as individuals.On the different manus states, for example, China, the complement is on the quality of the family unit. There are away from of both Individual and Collectivist social directions. Uniqueness consider the single responsible for their ain activities, and issues, for example, a gathering part non loaning are limited. Anyway the feeling of achievement as a crew, for example, in Chinese concern is agonizing of the solid family standpoint. Moving in the direction of a typical end advances more grounded peer commitment and elevates the feeling of authoritative development which prompts the parts of the bargains going the finish of the worker s at large. In this sense the Administration is viewed as resembling a family unit, intelligent of the social estimations of society. The fourth worth measurement maleness versus muliebrity shows the evaluation to which a human advancement esteems such practices as confidence, achievement, obtaining of riches or thinking about others, cultural backings and the personal satisfaction . A very manly society, for example, Australia and the US, experience a high evaluation of sexual orientation differentiation. In these civic establishments guys overwhelm a significant area of the general public and force development, with females being constrained by male mastery. Customarily grown-up females were non expected to work outside spot when they were hitched, and the individuals who dishonored their hubbies. A low manly positioning shows the state has a low level of qualification and
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Characteristics of Asa Formatted Essay Samples
The Characteristics of Asa Formatted Essay Samples What Everybody Dislikes About Asa Formatted Essay Samples and Why How to compose a reflective essay on growing up While the absolutely free essays can offer you inspiration for writing, they can't be applied as agreed to the notion that education has an important part on economic growth. From time to time, the best method to learn and understand new information is by way of seeing and understanding work which is already completed. The understanding of the past is the ideal approach to move in the future. For those who haven't any yet, then it is going to be better for you to hunt for any examples and samples of works to comprehend the way the work ought to be completed and formatted. Asa Formatted Essay Samples: No Longer a Mystery It can arrive in the shape of specialist essay writing help. Students must understand all the elements to be in a position to format it correctly. Students who do not have any experience with pa per formatting can adhere to these suggestions to master ASA style. Begin your preparation ahead of time. It is possible to also hunt for samples of ASA formatting online. Additionally, there are key guidelines that has to be followed to be able to properly format the whole manuscript. In compliance with the ASA citation guide, if you're going to apply them, assure yourself that they're numbered in a suitable way. If you don't understand how to cite in ASA format style, there are many alternatives to pick from. The Little-Known Secrets to Asa Formatted Essay Samples If you would like to assure yourself that you're going through all steps correctly in regards to quoting, consider seeking the ASA style guide sample paper and see the way the quotes are structured there. When there is need to specify the specific page number you've cited, then you may write it after the publication year. Sources that won't be changed, in the majority of cases need to be referred to in the print form. Also, it's a whole lot faster to reference a site or book by using totally free on-line citation app s. Students should choose which position they need to take based upon the number and caliber of the points they're in a position to come up with to support their position. Some students find a great deal of difficulty writing the essay, even if they can locate strong points. Every student is to take note of them. Later on, other students may cite your work also. The Appeal of Asa Formatted Essay Samples All citations will show up in the body of the paper. Headings are only acceptable when they don't signify the beginning of the paper. The 5-Minute Rule for Asa Formatted Essay Samples You'll find many samples on the internet, along with in our blog on this site. Generally, your name should be present at the cover page, though it is going to be the best to put it on each and every page. Thus, the given list should be organized in alphabetical order and give all the vital parts of information for readers to locate the initial source easily. You're able to read more on the subject of the different citation styles at this site. But What About Asa Formatted Essay Samples? The aim of the Response Papers is to enable you to make that synthesis and to enable you to communicate your understanding. There's quite a few helpful guidelines you may use to boost your paper and facilitate your writing process. If you are able to use the provided information in a smart way, you'll be in a position to create your efficient study program. It's also advised to write down all of the information considering sources you take as a basis at the phase of literature research so as not to forget some essential details. Who Else Wants to Learn About Asa Formatted Essay Samples? If so, you can check the Section It is suggested to set the acknowledgements in the title page, but it's not necessarily. This page contains an extensive collection of the sources which were cited in the paper. A title page isn't required in a typical MLA report. Generally speaking, th e given citation is place at the close of the sentence. It will allow you to avoid any probable mistakes. Citing is a wonderful means to prevent plagiarism. Keep all punctuation away from the parenthesis. There's yet another step you should make as a way to prepare ideal writing is to make an APA style essay outline. You also ought to don't hesitate to use outside sources if they will assist you in making a more powerful argument. The very first step is to select an exciting topic for the upcoming essay. Take a look at our top totally free essays on missing my very best friend to assist you write your own essay. Three pages is a rather brief essay, and that means you will need to concentrate your ideas carefully. But if you simply need to rapidly learn the fundamentals and turn in a tidy, well-formatted essay, read on! Be certain to ask them about essay format together with the content of your writing.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Why is Diotima a woman Essay examples - 805 Words
Diotima, Socrates great teacher from the Symposium, a work by Plato was one of the most influential women thinkers of all time, whether she was a real person or a literary fictional character. She related to Socrates the theory of love that he described to the partygoers at Agathons banquet, a celebration of Agathons victory at the competition of Dionysis in Athens and of Eros. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Before we search for the idea of why Diotima is a woman, we should first discuss a little about her. We know that, if she were an actual person, she would have been born around 470 BCE and died around 410 BCE. She might have been a priestess from Mantinea. Now if she was a real priestess or poet is uncertain. There is archaeological†¦show more content†¦For this reason women in ancient Greece seemed inferior socially. But the women were isolated in their homes and did not mix in the society of men. What the men thought may not have been that important to the women. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;We should now go on to why Diotima is a woman. Socrates consulted the Oracle at Delphi (Know thyself) so we know that it is possible that Socrates would consult a priestess. Still, knowing that doesn’t answer why Plato would select a woman to initiate Socrates into the mysteries of male, homoerotic desire. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I have uncovered two plausible answers to this question. The first is obvious. Diotima is a woman because she is not a man. If Diotima had been portrayed as a man then Socrates would have been seen as having been initiated into the mysteries of erotic desire by an older and wiser male. This would have inevitably suggested to Plato’s contemporaries that Socrates owed his deep understanding of the nature of the erotic (Symposium 177.d) to the passionate attention of a former lover. By having a woman educate Socrates in the ways of Eros, Plato avoided the suggestion that the he was Socrates real lover. Plato wanted to rule out that he and Socrates were sexual lovers, rather than just merely platonic lovers. (Gould p.193) Plato strenuously wanted to avoid this, not only because it would have lent the stamp of Socratic approval to a social practice for which Plato himself entertained the liveliestShow MoreRelatedWhy Is Diotima a Woman? Essay825 Words  |à ‚ 4 PagesDiotima, Socrates great teacher from the Symposium, a work by Plato was one of the most influential women thinkers of all time, whether she was a real person or a literary fictional character. She related to Socrates the theory of love that he described to the partygoers at Agathons banquet, a celebration of Agathons victory at the competition of Dionysis in Athens and of Eros. Before we search for the idea of why Diotima is a woman, we should first discuss a little about her. We know thatRead MoreSocrates and Love Essay912 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Symposium, written by Plato, Socrates and others engage in a dialogue in the home of Agathon on love. Instead of singing the honours (94) of love like the other participants, Socrates uses a retelling of a discussion that he had with a woman named Diotima to tell the audience of what he perceives to be the truth of love. He first speaks to Agathon in order to be on the same wavelength with him. Socrates asks Agathon a series of questions - which leads to Agathon being thoroughly confusedRead MoreLove in Platos Symposium1227 Words  | 5 Pagespoints on their definitions on love, it is a woman that makes the best definition be known. I will concentrate on the difference between the theory of Common and Heavenly love brought up by Pausanias and the important role that Diotima plays in the symposium. Pausanias brings up an excellent way to think about Love. He explains that love can be broken down into two types, that of Common and Heavenly love. The common love is that when a man and a woman join merely to satisfy their sexual desiresRead MoreIs Diotima A Man Not A Woman?1925 Words  | 8 PagesMost people believe the argument that Diotima is a woman is true solely because she is not a man. However, I find that there are other arguments that are capable of proving that Diotima is indeed a man, not a woman. To be able to explain my theory in an understandable manner, I must clearly illustrate gender roles in Ancient Greece. When it comes to women’s roles in Ancient Greece, it is safe to conclude that they were simply a symbol of inferiority when compared to men. I’ll list a few things womenRead MorePlato s Symposium, By Plato1273 Words  | 6 PagesEryximachus who states that love affects everything in the universe and that it should be protected, next we have Aristophanes, who states that the reason why love is on earth is because god has split humanity in half and that man should fear the gods and should embrace love to feel whole again, and last we have Socrates who suggests what Diotima explains that love is in the middle of two things or objects and has both characteristics. Phaedrus starts off the conversation of love stating how theRead MoreLove Is Characterized By Oedipus The King And Diotima s Definition Of Love1221 Words  | 5 Pagesunderestimated reasons of Love. Despite having different occupations, they all seem to agree on their views of love except for Socrates. Socrates communicates that Love is a god, and then decides to add that he came to his conclusion with the help of a woman named Diotima. Although their views of love are similar, they are also different and can be seen through another philosopher’s stories; Antigone and Oedipus. Socrates’ definition of love is characterized by Oedipus the King and Diotima’s definition of loveRead MoreComparison And Contrast Of The Understanding Of Love1576 Words  | 7 Pagesshe opposes and rebels unlike the other women of the time. In fact, Creon the ruler acknowledges that Antigone is rebellious and says â€Å"We must defend the men who live by law, never let some woman t riumph over us. Better to fall from power, if fall we must, at the hand of man-never be rated inferior to a woman, never.’’ (Antigone, Pg. 94, 755-760). Antigone is not only madly open about her idiosyncratic beliefs but also takes part in living by those beliefs. This makes her make harsh and confidentRead MoreForms of Love in Platos Symposium Essay2587 Words  | 11 PagesAristophanes draws attention to the origin and purposes of Love; Agathon enunciates that the correct way to present an eulogy is first to praise its nature and gifts. As the last speaker, and the most important one, Socrates connects his ideas with Diotima of Mantinea’s story of Love’s origin, nature and purpose. Different from the earlier five speakers who regard Love as an object and praise different sides of it, Socrates, referring to Diotima’s idea, considers Love as a pursuit of beauty graduallyRead MoreSocrates On The Nature Of Death Before His Execution1884 Words  |  8 Pagesspan of eternity. In his fourth argument, Socrates elaborates on the Theory of Forms. A Form is unlike anything seen in the physical world, it is perfect and has no opposite. The Form of Beauty does not contain ugly/not beauty. He says a beautiful woman person could be considered beautiful to other humans, but would not be considered beautiful to a god and is ultimately not perfect (Grube 69). Socrates implies that is is the soul what truly drives us. He suggests that the soul is deeply entwined withRead MoreLove and Beauty1208 Words  | 5 Pagesreproduction these things of beauty are given immortality. Plato reveals Socrates view through a dialogue between Socrates and Diotima: All of us are pregnant, Socrates, both in body and in soul, and, as soon as we come to a certain age, we naturally desire to give birth. Now no one can possibly give birth in anything ugly; only in something beautiful. That s because when a man and a woman come together in order to give birth, this is a godly affair. Pregnancy, reproduction Ââ€" this is an immortal thing for
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Book The House Of Scorpion - 1698 Words
Khoi Huynh English 22 2/14/16 Read My Book Coming Together is an annual event that takes place in Skokie, sponsored by the village council. In this event, residents of the village are embolden to read and discuss a book that will capture the interest of the village. For the selection of the book, the village council asked the Niles West English 22 classes to suggest a book for the upcoming event. The House of Scorpion, by Nancy Farmer would fit the council’s criteria. The House of Scorpion is a science fiction, utopian, and dystopian novel. This story is dark and twisted, but a hopeful story. The book is broken up into different parts, Youth 0 to 6, Middle Age 7 to 11, Old Age 12 to 14, Age 14, and La Vida Nueva. The main protagonist is about a young clone name Matt. He grows up in a dystopian world under control of a drug lord. Ironically, this drug lord happens to be the man that Matt was cloned from. El Patrà ³n, who is the drug lord, cloned the protagonist to harvest his organs in order to keep him alive. This nov el tells you a story of Matt’s corrupted life from his childhood all the way when makes peace with his country. Taking a glance through Matt’s childhood, his early years of his life were peaceful. He lived in a small house with his caretaker Celia, who works for the Alacrà ¡n family. Apparently, El Patrà ³n is the head of the house so he treats Matt like a son. However, the rest of the family doesn’t treat, Matt like that. When Matt was forced to move into theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book House Of The Scorpion 1074 Words  | 5 PagesPredicting events in House of the Scorpion is quite an interesting affair. The protagonist, Matt, has a perspective that is almost identical to that of myself as a reader of the story. As Matt unravels the mystery as to what he is and what his purpose is, his thoughts begin to match my own. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Free Sample- What are Australian Consumer Law Exclusion Clauses
Question: Discuss about theAustralian Consumer Lawfor Exclusion Clauses. Answer: Introduction As far as the Australian Contract Law goes, it can be said that an exclusion clause becomes invalid in any contract if it extends its scope in such a way that it avoids liability for conduct beyond the scope of the contract in any way[1]. This has changed in several ways over the years. This concept shall be discussed in this paper taking into account two Australian Case law namely Sydney City Council v West and Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking Ltd. upon a discussion of the cases, the similarities and differences in the rulings shall be analyzed and a relation of these cases to the current Australian Legal System shall be established. Sydney City Council v West West arrived in a car park and was thereon given a ticket which contained a clause that disclaimed responsibility and was found to be worded too widely. It was also stated that unless the ticket is presented, the car shall not be allowed to be picked up. Subsequently, West's car was stolen, and the Council relied on the exclusion clause to refrain from any liability that lay on them. It was held that to establish the validity of an exclusion clause, one need to look into the matter of construction and analyze whether it fits into the contract overall or not. Windeyer J dismissed that there was no notion that there, in fact, existed any rule of law that would cease the operation of an exclusion clause about the fundamental breach of one question that relates to the interpretation of the exclusion clause. It should be noted that the High Court while deciding on the matter did not rule out the exclusion clause but because it was held to be a fundamental breach of law[3]. It was held that the appellant failed to take proper and necessary care because the exact way in which he should have delivered the car was not dined with them in reality and it thus amounted to an act of negligence on their part. Thus, the council in the matter was held liable for the loss that West had undergone. Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking Ltd P got a ticket from an automatic car park and the ticket stated that the conditions of parking on the inside of the park were to be taken under subjected conditions. Thereafter an accident took place and D was held to be not liable in the matter. The issue that arose was whether P was subject to the exemption clause or not. The law in this regard stated that a clause cannot be incorporated once a contract has been entered into and concluded. It is mandatory that all clauses should be brought about by either party in the contract before the offer is given and the acceptance is taken of the offer[5]. It has been held that if a condition has been brought to the notice of a person after the offer has been accepted by him, the it does not form a part of the contract and thus, a higher standard of reasonableness is brought in the matter which requires that whenever limiting the liability arises, then the limits should be brought to the notice of the concerned party before the contract is b eing concluded between the two[6]. Since in this case, the contract was concluded at the entrance only, it was held that no further conditions imposed by the contract could be held to be valid once the contract is being concluded. Alterations made by way of exclusion clauses at a later stage amounted to invalid terms and were held to be not successful ones. Similarities and Differences in the Rulings Taking into account the cases discussed above, it can be said that Courts have taken various different interpretations of the existence of exclusion clauses over time. The presence of an exclusion clause does not limit the liability in all instances and its interpretation should be done by the Courts taking into account all the merits and the demerits of the particular case in question[7]. In the rulings discussed above, it can be said that there were similarities between the two because the Courts did not consider that the mere presence of an exclusion clause is a valid ground to eliminate liability in all instances. On the other hand, it can also be said that there are differences between the opinions expressed in the matter. While the former gave a clear view that an exclusion clause does not give unlimited exclusions to the benefiting party, the latter clearly gave a boundary on which an exclusion clause actually resides[8]. The case of West explained that the purview of an exclusion clause is not unlimited. On the other hand, the case of Thornton laid down the principle that an exclusion clause should not be considered to be applicable only because it is present in any contract. The presence of the same should be justified on identifiable ground and hence the application should be analyzed after making a thorough examination of the clause once it is invoked. Relation to Current Australian Legal Position under Australian Consumer Law As far as the law in Australia is concerned, exclusion clauses are dealt with under the Australian Consumer Law and Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, (Cth). It has been clearly stated by the law that an exclusion clause becomes effective only when it forms a part of the legally binding contract between the parties in concern[9]. At present, exclusion clauses become valid in any contract only if the party taking benefits under the same can prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the other party acceded to the terms of the exclusion clause and agreed to those conditions prior to conclusion of the contract[10]. This indicates that the law at present has been consistent on following the principle established by the case of Thornton. The law also states that an exclusion clause cannot be used to derive undue and unlimited advantages in any situation. There have been instances where the High Court of Australia ruled that where the exclusion clause has been used by one party to derive undue benefits and put the other party in a disadvantageous position, the use as held to be against the scope of the clause and thus not allowed. This proves that the precedent developed in the case of Sydney City Council has been in practice ever since it was ruled in Australia. The Australian Consumer Law thus can be said to be limiting the effectiveness of the application of exclusion clauses that are contained in any contract. The law at present has certain provisions that make it unfair, unconscionable harsh and oppressive to deal with terms of any contract. For instance, the law at present provides and extends protection for the consumers who are [provided with a standardized form of consumer contracts like for instance a contract entered into for the accumulation of goods or services that a personage corresponds to the moment he clicks an I agree' icon in any web page. The law also provides all kinds of protection from unfair, unconscionable, harsh and oppressive terms under not only the Australian Consumer Law but also the Contracts Review Act 1980. The law states that those rights and remedies that are created by the ACL cannot be excluded and such terms if introduced are void[11]. Under Section 60 of the Act it has been provided that contracts for the supply of services to consumers come with an implied warranty and that cannot be breached. Similarly, under Section 64, it has been provided that the failure to return a registration card does not extinguish the statutory rights and exclusion clauses against such terms are invalid in the eyes of law[12]. Certain terms also remain in action for location in time period. It has been provided under Section 54 that even if there is a time bar on certain products, yet the rights of consumers shall continue to be in existence in case there are inherent defects in the goods[13]. Thus, it can be said that t he ACL does not validate any unnecessary and undue terms that are included in any exclusion clause or contract. Conclusion It can be concluded from the above discussion that there have been changes in the validation and interpretation of exclusion clauses over a long tenure. However, the Australian Consumer Law at present has refined itself in such a way that no undue advantage is extended to the people in any contract and at the same time, the benefits are not taken away by the law as well. It has taken into account the various case laws that have shaped the interpretation of the exclusion clauses and thus, in this way, it has taken a form that is largely dependent on construction and harmonious interpretation of the law. The application of the case laws is being continued to be taken into account in the court cases. References Corones, S. G,The Australian Consumer Law(Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia, 2011) Miller, Russell V,Miller's Australian Competition And Consumer Law Annotated(Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia, 2011) Turner, C. F,Australian Commercial Law(LBC Information Services, 2001) McCann v Switzerland Insurance[2000] HCA Norwest Refrigeration Services Pty Ltd v Bain Dawes (WA) Pty Ltd[1984] HCA Rich v CGU Insurance Limited[2005] HCA Sydney City Council v West(1965) 114 CLR Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking Ltd(1971) 2 QB Arts Law : Information Sheet : Disclaimers, Exclusion Clauses And Risk Warnings(2016) Arts Law https://www.artslaw.com.au/info-sheets/info-sheet/exclusion-clauses-disclaimers-and-risk-warnings/ Exclusion And Limiting Terms | Free Contract Law Essay | Law Teacher(2016) Lawteacher.net https://www.lawteacher.net/free-law-essays/contract-law/exclusion-and-limiting-terms.php Exclusion Clauses - Stephen Wawn Associates Sydney Legal Experts Will Disputes(2016) Stephen Wawn Associates Sydney Legal Experts Will Disputes https://www.stephenwawn.com.au/commercial-law-litigation-disputes/pure-economic-loss-caused-by-negligent-misstatement-and-the-duty-of-care/exclusion-clauses/ Exclusion Clauses And The Australian Consumer Law(2016) Lawhandbook.sa.gov.au https://www.lawhandbook.sa.gov.au/ch10s02s06s01.php Thornton V Shoe Lane Parking Ltd | Case Brief Summary(2016) Casebrief.me https://casebrief.me/casebriefs/thornton-v-shoe-lane-parking-ltd/
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